Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Justice for Cisco

It's been often lately, that I've heard stories like this. Though usually the dog that is shot, is of a pitbull variety. I'll admit, I was surprised it wasn't this time. But the breed of dog, does not matter in times like this. It could have happened to anyone. As a result of a wrong address given to police over a domestic disturbance, this 7-year old Blue Heeler was killed. Now, I place quite a bit of blame on the caller, but the actions of the officer, were not the callers fault. An Arizona PD officer was dispatched to the home, where Michael Paxton was playing frisbee with his dog in the backyard. 

The officer pulled his weapon, before he saw anyone. What's worse, is his lie to his Captain. We hear what happened, and I don't believe that this man had much time at all to have all of what he said went down, happen. How was this man supposed to control his animal, in a split second? What animal, doesn't rush to his Master's aid whenever something is wrong? I know that my dog would run to my side, to be there if I need him, which is what this dog was doing. It scares me to think that it's possible for this to happen to my babies. 

The Department claims that there was no wrongdoing, and that there will not be an investigation. I can't understand why they say they did nothing wrong. At the very least, this man deserved an apology, and the one he got was a very cookie cutter apology AFTER the news broadcasts..

Justice for Cisco Facebook Link

  A new Facebook page has been started, called "Justice for Cisco". I linked it above, in case anyone is interested in showing their support for this fallen companion. 

My question is, When is enough enough? How many animals are going to be killed, before the Police Departments figure out a boundary? Now, I don't go against cops, I feel they do their job and I'm thankful for them. But there are boundaries being crossed here, when if they had a plan for what to do in these situations, that could have been prevented. No apology was offered from the Department, until the Live News report, that Michael Paxton shared his story. I feel a great wrong was done here, really I do. What do you guys think?

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