Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let's Talk BSL

 Some of you probably know what BSL means. Though those of you who don't, it is Breed Specific Legislation. All around the world, and even in a lot of states around the US, people are trying to extinguish the "Bully Breeds" from existence. This doesn't stop with just the "Bullies" but includes all dogs that even LOOK like the breed. Your dog could be taken, and euthanized from your home, simply because you had a dog that someone else didn't like. I know a lot of people, who think that all Pit Bulls should be put down, simply for being pit bulls. That type of ignorance, is why I started acting for the animals, and it started where I am today. People ask me for links, demanding proof that other breeds of dogs have attacked someone. I shouldn't have to have proof, when any dog can bite. Just because a dog has a stronger jaw, does not mean that it should be condemned as a monster.

Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, American Bulldogs, and more, are all viewed as monsters. They are viewed as less than a dog, and deserving to be destroyed all because of the blood that runs through their veins. Canada, doesn't even view the Pit Bull as a breed, saying that it's a dangerous mix of dog that needs exterminated. I wonder how many of these people claiming these dogs are evil, have ever actually owned one. It's easy to condemn something you don't understand, and hard to accept something that you can't understand. When the media tells you these dogs are vicious, and that they have no heart, people want to follow because they feel that they wouldn't be lead astray. Because the media has never lied, or purposefully hidden certain aspects, to make you think exactly what they want you to think, right?

I understand that the breed, is definitely a breed you need to know how to handle. Putting a dog in the hands of a bad owner, is like a ticking time bomb. We would do better with having to take classes on how to train dogs, before owning them..Over killing an entire breed. Think on it... If people had to sign up for a class in order to get a dog, how many dog bites do you think you would hear about? Well trained dogs, sometimes bite, I understand and I'm not saying it's the perfect solution. But is putting down a millions of innocent souls because no one cares to find a better solution, any more right?

The reason these dogs are preyed upon, is their loyalty and their readiness to defend their family. A fighting dog doesn't only fight because of survival. .Though that instinct is strong. A fighting dog is still trying to get the love, of the person who is exploiting them. Pit bulls are exploited every day. Used to show they are vicious by ignorant people who get them to put them on thick chains and bulk them up. Use them against others in an attempt to be scary.. Those people are who we should be looking at. Not the dogs that were put in their "care."

Fighting Pit Bulls, are starved, and  beaten. Their lives are so full of torture, that all they know is pain and hunger. Their lives are so full of evil from their humans, and yet the dogs are the ones  blamed. If you lived in a world full of pain, and torment, wouldn't you see things from their side?

A Pit Bull is one of those most loving breeds of dogs I've ever met. Once you've befriended one, you have a friend for life. They would give their lives for those they love, and many do. The stories that hit the news, are usually ones of "dog attacks person" without  much story other than it being a Pit Bull. You don't always see the stories of heroes. Like the Pit that saved his family from a home intruder, only to be shot in the head. The dog survived, due to sheer luck. He defended his family, from what could have been certain death. They had a newborn as well, and they all lived to tell their story because of their faithful companion. A dog so many think needs to be completely eliminated.. A dog that so many misunderstand.

Let's fight, to get this to stop. BSL is a hate crime. If it isn't right for people, it isn't right for the dogs either.

                                                  (Picture Courtesy of Stock.Xchng)

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