How do you feel when someone gives up their pet? And now.. How do you feel when they give their pet up to the shelter? I know how reading something like that makes me feel. Shelters smell of death and despair, and before anyone says anything, even no-kill shelters are stressful and can freak out an animal. Now don't get me wrong, I understand that sometimes there is just nothing you can do. You exhaust all your options, and you just are left with nothing. I'm more talking about the people who don't exhaust all their options. The people who don't follow the suggestions and guidance of others in the situation, and just decide to dump their animal. That is what pisses me off.
No -Kill Shelters are called that, because they don't euthanize healthy animals. However they do euthanize dangerous, or terminally ill animals. Which I understand. But what are the chances that pet you dumped, is actually going to ever get out of that shelter? Actually live life outside of a cage with a family? I don't understand people who can dump an animal; a family member. They are not "until you get pregnant" pets. They are forever. (What would kill me more is seeing someone who does that, getting another animal later on down the road.)
I would never give my dog to a shelter. No kill or otherwise. Because I would take the effort in finding someone to adopt my dog. That isn't the shelters job. With so much social media, and rescue groups around the country, animals are saved everyday. Ones needing homes, and those who need fosters for awhile. I'm proud to say I see that happen quite often in the social media community. It's a chance for a giant team of animal lovers to do something good.
I know that it irritates me further, when I give advice, and I try to help the animal find a home, only to find out that nothing was done that I offered. And the animal was dumped anyway. I know by the end of this, I'm probably rambling. But I am just severely pissed off that I put in the effort in other people's pets... and they can't even put the same effort in their own.
I needed to get this out, because I feel a better now.
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