Monday, June 11, 2012

Sea Turtle Vandals


 I heard something a few days ago, and found myself just.. horrified by the thought of what I was told. My father was telling me about a situation that happened on Navarre Beach, Florida. That's relatively close to home, and it hit close to home in my heart as well.

As some of you know, it's the breeding season for the sea turtle. All sea turtles, along with loggerhead sea turtles, are all endangered and on the protected species list. Which means they are protected by state and federal law. However that did little to help the nest that was on the patrol route of the volunteers walking the beach. Volunteers patrol the beach all the day and night, switching shifts in order to protect the sea turtle.

Only 1 in 1,000 sea turtles survive to maturity, and maturity means 20-30 years. Which means it's almost impossible to this animal to survive that long. It has a lot of predators, one of which being sharks. But then what about us human beings? We cause a lot of death to more than we even mean to. We pollute the ocean, causing many deaths, as if the ocean population needed our help destroying the animals.

But this time, it wasn't even pollution. A group of vandals went to one of the nests overnight, and the nightly patrol found it. Eggs had been destroyed, and scattered all over the pier, and along the public area of the beaches. A shovel was found within the perimeter, as they had foolishly left the tool behind. Some eggs had been torn apart with the shovel itself. 

The level of disgusting is just.. beyond comprehension. I'm glad to say that officials are on an active manhunt for the vandal, or vandals. They will be charged with a felony for tampering with the nest, and I hope they get the book thrown at them.

Tell me again, how we are the better species?

Monday, June 4, 2012

That New Thread Smell

 Today was a new experience! I started my very own fan page. It gives me somewhere other than here, to discuss the things I like discussing. Let's face it, it's hard to have a discussion on a blog post. Not so much when it comes to a fan page. I'm excited for this new experience! 

                                                   Furbabies Facebook page!

I'm going to likely be sharing adoptable dogs/animals, as well as the animal stories I post here often. It isn't just limited to the discussion of dogs, or the adopting of dogs. I'm willing to share all the babies that need homes, regardless of whether they swim in a bowl, or are large enough to be ridden. 

This post is kinda small, since I really haven't had time to come here and post a story today. But I wanted everyone to know about the facebook page, just in case I have a few followers interested. Have a great Monday all!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


 Today is a happy post! I am almost 100% positive my two dumbo girls I got a few weeks ago's breathing problems have gone away! Not only do they not sneeze anymore, but they don't wheeze or make those "barking" sounds I heard before. That makes me really happy, and I give the credit to the new bedding they are on. I was scared that they wouldn't last long (even compared to a normal rats life.) and was almost preparing myself to not get attached. However I did get attached, of course! I did everything I could to help their breathing, and the bedding change seems to have done the trick. I'm very happy they could overcome it.

Anyone who knows me, knows that my rats are like my babies. I never thought I could own another once my Sixx passed, but Kali had other ideas. I'm proud to say I rescued her, but I think her and Loki rescued me. I wasn't aware of how saddened I was.. Really. Bringing them home made me happy in ways I hadn't expected. 

It's funny when I hear stories of people being so incredibly disgusted of rats. Because I just want to smile at it. In my head, I'm usually thinking 'Well that's just too bad for you.' Because a rat brings a whole new level of loyal to the family. My rats, are more loyal than my dogs. Now, I'm not selling Oz and Spike short. My dog-babies are lovebugs. But there's something about owning a rat that helps you understand what I mean.

This was really just supposed to be a "yay my rats are better!" post. Apparently I got a little distracted and started rambling. Which is another thing I do when it comes to talking about something I love!