Friday, July 27, 2012

I am Lennox

 Okay now.. I have had a lot of things I wanted to discuss. One namely being Lennox, who was put to death while I was on my Honeymoon. Most of you already know the story of Lennox, because it's made international news. Belfast City Council had deemed this dog dangerous, merely for him being overly excited and bumping heads with an official. He was detained two years, where he was mistreated and still never showed any sign of aggression. Lennox was a labrador, American Bulldog mix. He was no pitbull, but he was euthanized as if he had been one, merely for being excited. He never bit anyone, never showed any signs of aggression. Victoria Stillwell and Cesar Milan both advocated for this dog. Begging the council to let them take the dog and get it to a rescue. Anything to save innocent Lennox's life. However efforts were futile, and now there are some conspiracy theorists out there.

 Right now there are a lot of questions surrounding the Lennox case. One being, did Lennox die due to the euthanasia? Or did he die months before that of an ailment that they are trying to cover up? These questions were brought up due to once Lennox was destroyed.. They would not give the family his ashes, his collar, nor allow them to say one last goodbye. It was done so secretly, and so cold.. That some believe he had died long ago, but the officials felt the need to cover it up.

 Pictures were revealed of Lennox sporting signs of missing fur and bald spots. He was housed in a concrete "room" with no proper bedding.. No toys.. No food or water.. Nothing that would suggest a dog lived there besides his own feces and his presence. For two years, supposedly, the dog lived that way. Even the woman who refused to agree that the death sentence should be appealed, was seen cuddling him and kissing his face.. Obviously she wasn't too fearful of him. But yet she help him live. She had deemed him a Pit, and he deserved to die.

It's odd, how we can practice such.. medieval laws. Lennox was no guilty prisoner, and yet he was treated as a pariah simply for knocking heads with someone? Now I won't lie. I'm not the type to be all "OMG I HATE THE OFFICIALS." But I'm really not too happy with any of them. Some were receiving death threats, and I don't think anyone realizes how detrimental that is to the case.  By trying to scare someone out of something, you are doing the very thing you are mad at them for doing. We need to win by practicing compassion. We will never win our battle, if we are capable of threatening people's lives over this. Stand up with me, and show your passion. Without showing your ignorance. We can end BSL. We can stop the discrimination and the hate. But we can only do that with time, and willingness to learn. The "I am Lennox" campaign still goes strong, even with the death of him. There are more "Lennox's" out there.
Help Save Piggy
Help Save Hope
Help Save Wicca

Check out those links, and let's save some dogs.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Baaack!

 Hey guys! It's been awhile, and for that I am sorry. I had no idea that weddings and Honeymoons were so freaking stressful. I really didn't! But for those wondering, the Honeymoon was amazing. I really did have a lot of fun. I also got to see hubby open up and that was great too. He had so much fun there, and I'm glad that his first time ever going, he went with me. All in all, Disneyworld is magical, and I cannot wait to take my son there for a birthday sometime. 

Now it was perfect timing, for me to find an article that caught my interest this morning! I had been meaning to get a post up before now, but I had to clean the house so that the Carpet Estimate guy could come. ANYWAY.

I have been reading up about Wicca. Her facebook page is here. If you care to read up about her. Now there is a lot of speculation about what happened to this woman who claims to have been bitten. I am really skeptical of the word "bite" because if a dog bites you..You know. You don't just think "Oh I think I've been bitten." It's "Oh man I was bit!" I've been bitten by many dogs, and not once did I "assume" I was bitten, I freaking knew it. But anyway,  This woman claims that Wicca attacked her. 

Wicca is a 5 year old, Spayed American Staffordshire Terrier.  She was on a terrace with her owner, laying down on her leash. The woman didn't notice the dog until it was too late, and when she did she reacted fearfully. The dog, which would obviously have been spooked by the sudden person approaching and then moving with quick motions, reacted by getting up. Witnesses have said that the dog stood and in a panic managed to scratch the woman. Mind you, the first-aid this woman got was Suave with a band-aid.

The owner was served with an immediate death order for the dog, without any sort of evidence that the woman had in fact been bitten. Even the facility that is holding Wicca right now refuses to euthanize her. Not only as she saved her owners life once before, she's also a really good dog. The Shelter refuses to euthanize her on the grounds that she's "a really good dog that doesn't deserve to die."

I give the shelter props for seeing that a dog lacks any aggressive bone in her body, and sticking up for her.