Monday, August 20, 2012

Gotta Let it Out

 How do you feel when someone gives up their pet? And now.. How do you feel when they give their pet up to the shelter? I know how reading something like that makes me feel. Shelters smell of death and despair, and before anyone says anything, even no-kill shelters are stressful and can freak out an animal. Now don't get me wrong, I understand that sometimes there is just nothing you can do. You exhaust all your options, and you just are left with nothing. I'm more talking about the people who don't exhaust all their options. The people who don't follow the suggestions and guidance of others in the situation, and just decide to dump their animal. That is what pisses me off.

No -Kill Shelters are called that, because they don't euthanize healthy animals. However they do euthanize dangerous, or terminally ill animals. Which I understand. But what are the chances that pet you dumped, is actually going to ever get out of that shelter? Actually live life outside of a cage with a family?  I don't understand people who can dump an animal; a family member. They are not "until you get pregnant" pets. They are forever.  (What would kill me more is seeing someone who does that, getting another animal later on down the road.)

I would never give my dog to a shelter. No kill or otherwise. Because I would take the effort in finding someone to adopt my dog. That isn't the shelters job. With so much social media, and rescue groups around the country, animals are saved everyday. Ones needing homes, and those who need fosters for awhile. I'm proud to say I see that happen quite often in the social media community. It's a chance for a giant team of  animal lovers to do something good.

I know that it irritates me further, when I give advice, and I try to help the animal find a home, only to find out that nothing was done that I offered. And the animal was dumped anyway. I know by the end of this, I'm probably rambling. But I am just severely pissed off that I put in the effort in other people's pets... and they can't even put the same effort in their own.

I needed to get this out, because I feel a better now.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Conservation Message at it's finest

 I get asked almost every day, why do I feel so strongly about animals. Why don't I just relax, because someone will help the animals.. Well it's not always that easy. Sadly, people who think that it will get done, so they do nothing, are as big a problem as those who just don't care. If you don't do what you can, then you allow things to fall into the cracks. You allow things like animal abuse, dog fighting, breed specific legislation, and even bigger things such as whaling and exotic animal hunting to continue when you do not fight it.  

Your world could be such a different place without things around you. One time I had someone tell me, that they didn't give a damn about recycling. Because they didn't care about pollution. Their exact words to me, were that if some people could pollute the world and drive hummers, she was going to pollute in a way she could. By  not giving a damn, and throwing away recyclable items. She said that as she threw a soda can to the ground. I guess she's never seen the after effect of those decisions..

We have one world. As far as we know, we will never have another place to call home. Why not care about the planet we live on, rather than ignore it because that's the easy way out? The water we have today, was water our ancestors drank and lived from. No new water has ever been created, and yet.. We pollute it like we could never run out. What happens when all that waste destroys all the water? What happens when the fumes from your vehicle destroy the environment? What happens when the landfills are so full of garbage, we have to start finding alternate ways of disposing it? 

One person can't do everything,  but they can do something. That something could be the difference between a bright future for our planet, and living in a wasteland not suitable for life at all. That was why her comment had made me as upset as it did. I had to look at her and call her ignorant, to which she didn't care. She was proud to not know about what was going on, and to not want to contribute. But yet there are people out there right now, cleaning up the planet that people like her continue to live on. They aren't just ruining things for themselves, they ruin things for all life. I cannot imagine being so selfish as to not understand or care the huge scheme of things. 

People can tell me I'm beating a dead horse, or that I'm fighting a lost cause. Let them. But it will not change the way I feel about it. Nothing will. We were put on this planet to care for it, not see what it would take to finally destroy it. I can only hope that future generations understand what could be lost, if we choose to follow the route that we are on.

What do YOU do, to protect your environment?

Friday, July 27, 2012

I am Lennox

 Okay now.. I have had a lot of things I wanted to discuss. One namely being Lennox, who was put to death while I was on my Honeymoon. Most of you already know the story of Lennox, because it's made international news. Belfast City Council had deemed this dog dangerous, merely for him being overly excited and bumping heads with an official. He was detained two years, where he was mistreated and still never showed any sign of aggression. Lennox was a labrador, American Bulldog mix. He was no pitbull, but he was euthanized as if he had been one, merely for being excited. He never bit anyone, never showed any signs of aggression. Victoria Stillwell and Cesar Milan both advocated for this dog. Begging the council to let them take the dog and get it to a rescue. Anything to save innocent Lennox's life. However efforts were futile, and now there are some conspiracy theorists out there.

 Right now there are a lot of questions surrounding the Lennox case. One being, did Lennox die due to the euthanasia? Or did he die months before that of an ailment that they are trying to cover up? These questions were brought up due to once Lennox was destroyed.. They would not give the family his ashes, his collar, nor allow them to say one last goodbye. It was done so secretly, and so cold.. That some believe he had died long ago, but the officials felt the need to cover it up.

 Pictures were revealed of Lennox sporting signs of missing fur and bald spots. He was housed in a concrete "room" with no proper bedding.. No toys.. No food or water.. Nothing that would suggest a dog lived there besides his own feces and his presence. For two years, supposedly, the dog lived that way. Even the woman who refused to agree that the death sentence should be appealed, was seen cuddling him and kissing his face.. Obviously she wasn't too fearful of him. But yet she help him live. She had deemed him a Pit, and he deserved to die.

It's odd, how we can practice such.. medieval laws. Lennox was no guilty prisoner, and yet he was treated as a pariah simply for knocking heads with someone? Now I won't lie. I'm not the type to be all "OMG I HATE THE OFFICIALS." But I'm really not too happy with any of them. Some were receiving death threats, and I don't think anyone realizes how detrimental that is to the case.  By trying to scare someone out of something, you are doing the very thing you are mad at them for doing. We need to win by practicing compassion. We will never win our battle, if we are capable of threatening people's lives over this. Stand up with me, and show your passion. Without showing your ignorance. We can end BSL. We can stop the discrimination and the hate. But we can only do that with time, and willingness to learn. The "I am Lennox" campaign still goes strong, even with the death of him. There are more "Lennox's" out there.
Help Save Piggy
Help Save Hope
Help Save Wicca

Check out those links, and let's save some dogs.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Baaack!

 Hey guys! It's been awhile, and for that I am sorry. I had no idea that weddings and Honeymoons were so freaking stressful. I really didn't! But for those wondering, the Honeymoon was amazing. I really did have a lot of fun. I also got to see hubby open up and that was great too. He had so much fun there, and I'm glad that his first time ever going, he went with me. All in all, Disneyworld is magical, and I cannot wait to take my son there for a birthday sometime. 

Now it was perfect timing, for me to find an article that caught my interest this morning! I had been meaning to get a post up before now, but I had to clean the house so that the Carpet Estimate guy could come. ANYWAY.

I have been reading up about Wicca. Her facebook page is here. If you care to read up about her. Now there is a lot of speculation about what happened to this woman who claims to have been bitten. I am really skeptical of the word "bite" because if a dog bites you..You know. You don't just think "Oh I think I've been bitten." It's "Oh man I was bit!" I've been bitten by many dogs, and not once did I "assume" I was bitten, I freaking knew it. But anyway,  This woman claims that Wicca attacked her. 

Wicca is a 5 year old, Spayed American Staffordshire Terrier.  She was on a terrace with her owner, laying down on her leash. The woman didn't notice the dog until it was too late, and when she did she reacted fearfully. The dog, which would obviously have been spooked by the sudden person approaching and then moving with quick motions, reacted by getting up. Witnesses have said that the dog stood and in a panic managed to scratch the woman. Mind you, the first-aid this woman got was Suave with a band-aid.

The owner was served with an immediate death order for the dog, without any sort of evidence that the woman had in fact been bitten. Even the facility that is holding Wicca right now refuses to euthanize her. Not only as she saved her owners life once before, she's also a really good dog. The Shelter refuses to euthanize her on the grounds that she's "a really good dog that doesn't deserve to die."

I give the shelter props for seeing that a dog lacks any aggressive bone in her body, and sticking up for her. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sea Turtle Vandals


 I heard something a few days ago, and found myself just.. horrified by the thought of what I was told. My father was telling me about a situation that happened on Navarre Beach, Florida. That's relatively close to home, and it hit close to home in my heart as well.

As some of you know, it's the breeding season for the sea turtle. All sea turtles, along with loggerhead sea turtles, are all endangered and on the protected species list. Which means they are protected by state and federal law. However that did little to help the nest that was on the patrol route of the volunteers walking the beach. Volunteers patrol the beach all the day and night, switching shifts in order to protect the sea turtle.

Only 1 in 1,000 sea turtles survive to maturity, and maturity means 20-30 years. Which means it's almost impossible to this animal to survive that long. It has a lot of predators, one of which being sharks. But then what about us human beings? We cause a lot of death to more than we even mean to. We pollute the ocean, causing many deaths, as if the ocean population needed our help destroying the animals.

But this time, it wasn't even pollution. A group of vandals went to one of the nests overnight, and the nightly patrol found it. Eggs had been destroyed, and scattered all over the pier, and along the public area of the beaches. A shovel was found within the perimeter, as they had foolishly left the tool behind. Some eggs had been torn apart with the shovel itself. 

The level of disgusting is just.. beyond comprehension. I'm glad to say that officials are on an active manhunt for the vandal, or vandals. They will be charged with a felony for tampering with the nest, and I hope they get the book thrown at them.

Tell me again, how we are the better species?

Monday, June 4, 2012

That New Thread Smell

 Today was a new experience! I started my very own fan page. It gives me somewhere other than here, to discuss the things I like discussing. Let's face it, it's hard to have a discussion on a blog post. Not so much when it comes to a fan page. I'm excited for this new experience! 

                                                   Furbabies Facebook page!

I'm going to likely be sharing adoptable dogs/animals, as well as the animal stories I post here often. It isn't just limited to the discussion of dogs, or the adopting of dogs. I'm willing to share all the babies that need homes, regardless of whether they swim in a bowl, or are large enough to be ridden. 

This post is kinda small, since I really haven't had time to come here and post a story today. But I wanted everyone to know about the facebook page, just in case I have a few followers interested. Have a great Monday all!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


 Today is a happy post! I am almost 100% positive my two dumbo girls I got a few weeks ago's breathing problems have gone away! Not only do they not sneeze anymore, but they don't wheeze or make those "barking" sounds I heard before. That makes me really happy, and I give the credit to the new bedding they are on. I was scared that they wouldn't last long (even compared to a normal rats life.) and was almost preparing myself to not get attached. However I did get attached, of course! I did everything I could to help their breathing, and the bedding change seems to have done the trick. I'm very happy they could overcome it.

Anyone who knows me, knows that my rats are like my babies. I never thought I could own another once my Sixx passed, but Kali had other ideas. I'm proud to say I rescued her, but I think her and Loki rescued me. I wasn't aware of how saddened I was.. Really. Bringing them home made me happy in ways I hadn't expected. 

It's funny when I hear stories of people being so incredibly disgusted of rats. Because I just want to smile at it. In my head, I'm usually thinking 'Well that's just too bad for you.' Because a rat brings a whole new level of loyal to the family. My rats, are more loyal than my dogs. Now, I'm not selling Oz and Spike short. My dog-babies are lovebugs. But there's something about owning a rat that helps you understand what I mean.

This was really just supposed to be a "yay my rats are better!" post. Apparently I got a little distracted and started rambling. Which is another thing I do when it comes to talking about something I love!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moco's Last Wish

                                                                 Moco's Last Wish

 This story was one of the ones that gave me permission to write about their ordeal. I hope I do it justice, and I hope that it helps spread the word. Things like this can only stop by YOU doing something about it. YOU choosing to demand answers, or YOU choosing to let it go. A Rush song quotes "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." And I agree with that 100%. It's up to us to change our generation. 

This was another case of wrong place wrong time. (Which it's sad how common that is lately!) Moco was a Boxer dog, and he was shot and killed by an Ojai Police Officer. Reports say, that the Officer was investigating a call about Vehicle Tampering. The family had no involvement in the tampering, nor had they  made the call. They were an innocent party, and they were doing nothing but playing with their dog. 

The Officer made his way into their yard, where the dog began barking and running forward. Now sure, you see something like that and you think 'how do you know they weren't going to attack?' Well, this dog had no prior history with aggression, or disobedience. He was a loving, gentle neighborhood dog who's only fault was being excited to see a new person. The officer wasted no time, shooting and killing the boxer while his family watched in horror.

I linked to their facebook page, where they are seeking justice for their beloved dog. They hope to keep anyone else from having to go through this. 

It's happening more and more often, and some people do nothing about it. Until it happens to them. Then it's time to bring the smack down, and I just don't agree with that. You can not like dogs, but the fact is they are someone's family member. They are a beating heart, longing to do nothing but love you forever. I encourage you to take a look at the facebook page, and be informed on what to do, if an officer approaches your family. Including your dog.

Kindness Personified

 I'm so behind on my wedding planning, I don't even have invites sent yet. I know, it's horrible, but at least everyone is aware of it. They may be a month in advance, but that's better than nothing. Money is tight tilla fter the wedding, and I've said it before but I will say it again. I really cannot wait to stop spending money on this thing. Haha. That sounds terrible, but I bought a $500 dress, for example, and after the alterations and 'everything the dress needed' according to the seamstress, the dress was an $800 one. I found the perfect photographer, and I'm so excited to work with her. She knew exactly how low my budget was, and didn't want me to miss out. That's kindness.

Speaking of kindness, today I am blogging about something that really touched me. The other day, we had placed my check in the bank early in the AM. Well they had told me it would be in there immediately. So we went next door to Walmart to get some food for the week. Well, we were in line after shopping, both exhausted, but we were quite happy to have food. Well.. My card didn't go through. And then Tom's, who we both knew had money on it, didn't go through. So at this point, I am really upset. I'm supposed to have money, and here I am standing in line with it not going through. So I call the bank, who then proceeds to tell me they made an error, and it will be in there bright and early the next day at 8am. (She said this in a happy, go get 'em voice and that irritated me further.) Well then the people at Walmart look at me like I've suddenly grown another head atop my shoulder. 

So they transfer us to Customer Service while Tom tries desperately to get his card going through. We ended up taking stuff we didn't need out to remove $10 from the cart. Well during this fiasco, there is this nice older gentleman keeping Alex company in line. Alex is throwing his box of goldfish, and the guy picked it up, and they continued that game. This man then went to tell us as we were leaving, that he wanted to pay for the stuff we couldn't take that day. (We were going to come back the next day.) We told him no, and thanked him. He asked again, saying he would love to do it. It really warmed my heart, and I was so caught off guard that I just thanked him, told him he was too kind, and waved goodbye. But the genuine look in his eye, really did touch my heart. He offered to help two people in need, and he had no obligation to offer things like that.

We didn't take his help, since we had the money, it just wasn't registering in our bank. So I was really upset, that I even had to be humiliated by an error they made. But I was really touched, to know that there are still very good people out there.

Let that be a note to you! Your kindness goes a long way, so take some time to smile to a stranger!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Such a Slacker!

 Okay so the title isn't really true. I'm not slacking on the blog, so much as I am completely slammed between planning a wedding, and planning a honeymoon. I wasn't aware of all the work went into the planning process. Just when I think I've gotten one part down, I find I forgot another. I will really be happy when I can just enjoy this wedding, rather than stressing over it! I'm finding though, that planning can be a lot of fun, if you have the funds for it! haha. We are doing a simple wedding, as being a couple with a child, expenses are something we have to be careful with. 

In my absence from the blog though, I spent time messaging some fellow facebook groups on the subjects of animals being shot by police departments. Some lived, and some, unfortunately, did not. I will share their stories all the same. The families deserve the attention, and people need to know that they need to be incredibly careful with their animals. You could be playing with your dog in your backyard, and have an officer show up in your yard without your being aware. Now, some would understand, letting you place you animal inside. Others however, are easily triggered into shooting the animals they feel are threatening them.. Even though the animal itself might feel threatened by a stranger being in their yard. Dogs bark. It happens! A barking dog does not indicate a dangerous dog. There is more to it than that. 

But anyway, not to ramble in this post. That will come in my next few. Tomorrow I will be sharing the story of Moco. A beloved boxer shot by a police officer.

I hope that you guys will read it, and share it. It is really important to know what to do if an officer approaches your home. Thank you! See you guys tomorrow! ;)

Monday, May 14, 2012


 Things have, again, been very hectic in my life this week. As some of my friends know, I lost my rat Sixx to cancer on the 30th of March. He was an old guy, he lived about 3.5 years. His brother who was a beloved pet in another family, died two weeks before he did. It left a huge hole in my heart. But I was sure, that I would never get another rat since they don't live long. The pain of losing them is like that of losing a dog, or a cat. But with only a 10th of the lifespan. 

   Then a few days ago, I found out one of my ferrets was really sick with bloating in her abdomen. Though that was the only sign of her actually being sick, was the bloating. She has something wrong with her spleen, that only surgery would fix. It's a costly surgery, as well as there is no garauntee she won't be sick afterwards. So we decided, and boy was it a hard decision, to let her live out her life until her quality of life becomes bad. Once we think she's suffering, we are going to make a decision. But for now, she's happily snuggled next to her sister. I'm not sure what to do.. I know that ferrets can die of heartache, and these two have been together forever. I'm afraid of getting another ferret, because my girl is already 4 years old. It feels like I will create an endless loop of ferrets, since one will always be 4 years older than the other. It's a helpless feeling, because the only other thing I could do, would be to get her a new home with lots of other ferrets more her age. But that would mean giving up my girl, and.. I love her so much. I guess my question for myself, is if I love her so much, why won't I do what's best for her and get her that home she needs. But.. I feel animals should be taken in for life. Not bounced around from home to home, and we rescued these two before my son was born. I guess I'll just have to figure it out..

On a good side, I got two baby rats the other day. One of them I rescued, since she was far too small to be in a cage with adult sized ratties. Upon bringing her home, I realized that she needed a friend. Sixx had always lived alone, because he didn't like other rats in his cage and would beat them up. So I had forgotten they are a group creature. So I went back out, and got another little dumbo girl. Having them for a few days, I've realized I'm pretty sure they have respitory issues. The petstore where I saved them, says they offer a 14 day satisfaction garauntee and that they would replace sick pets. But.. I don't see them investing the time they should in helping these babies. They'd probably be written off as snake food at that point. So I've decided just to keep them, since I don't have the heart to take them somewhere that they will be put to death. 

Though in some other good news, I found my wedding dress! I did a lot of work these past few days. I have set up most of what I need, and I also have been making a list of the rest of stuff that's needed. Weddings are so freaking expensive! If I had realized this beforehand, I probably would have eloped LOL. But oh well, my dress is beautiful, and I am really excited to see my fiance's face when he sees it on me :)

Have a good monday everyone!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another day

 Life really gets busy once you start planning a wedding. Time just seems to fly and I have no time to catch up on anything it seems! Three days ago marked the two month until the wedding time frame. I'm increasingly nervous, because the last time I had as much attention, it was the birth of my son. I want to live up to expectations, and not have anyone be disappointed in the wedding. Though it's about what makes me happy, I don't want to bore the crap out of everyone. Lol. 

Well, I finally found some time to blog now that the termite situation is being taken care of. I feel a weight lifted off my shoulder, and another one placed on it. My ferret, Roxanne, I think has a blockage. I can't really afford to do surgery on her, so I'm hoping that it's the type that can be coaxed out on it's own. Losing my rat, Sixx, in April, and my Grandmother in January.. I just don't think I'm ready to handle another passing right now. So I'm hoping she pulls through. A very good friend of mine even donated a little, in order to help me just in case it is really bad. I am so blown away by her kindness.

For some good news of the day, I found a pit bull story that has been circulating all over the internet. With the title of "Dog saves woman from train" usually, it would be better suited as "Pit bull saves woman from train." Because if it had been an attack, I garauntee the type of dog it was would have been announced in the title, and people  jumping to condemn the breed. But this post isn't about the hatred of pit bulls, this post is about the story of a true hero. 

This 8 year old pit bull was adopted by a woman's son and it helped her curb her drinking addiction. They had been walking, and for some reason the woman passed out, and was unconscious on the train tracks. The dog knew she was in danger, and she was right. The train was making it's way right to the unconscious woman. The dog, Lilly, put herself in danger's way in order to pull her human from the tracks. Lilly managed to get her woman off the tracks, though not in enough time to pull herself free too. The dog was hit, "degloving" her front paw, and breaking her hip in a few different places. But the dog survived, miraculously. Rescuers had been called to the area, and when they showed, the dog was covered in blood. She still was guarding her human, scared they were going to hurt her. But she relented, and both dog and human were rushed to the hospital. Lilly is a hero. More stories like this, and the pit bull Kilo who saved his family from a home invasion despite being shot in the head, should be shown. One of the most loyal breeds, doing exactly what they've always been known to do. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Termites, Termites, Termites

 I know it has been far too long since I posted anything. But truth be told, I haven't had a whole lot of time the past few days. On Saturday we came home to a swarm of about 40 or so Termites, and so we've had inspections of the house all day yesterday. We didn't see them Sunday night, we thought we might be getting lucky. 

Unfortunately, we saw them swarming again yesterday. It's so tiring going around and killing them as we see them. But we can't just let them crawl around all willy nilly. That gives me the creeps. We get the house sprayed and taken care of on Friday, so until then my posts may be either very short, or non-existent. But I wanted to touch base and let everyone know that I AM still here, and I AM still blogging. 

Thanks for your support guys! Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another about me

 Today I haven't had the chance to look around for stories to give my opinion on. Today is a big day, and I am excited. Engagement pictures today! Which means I have to get the clothes we are wearing prepared, along with aaaall the other stuff that comes with a photo session.

I haven't been sleeping well.. I think it's anxiety, and I sit there and just think all night. There's nothing that can be done about what I think about, but I still can't seem to stop. So last night I took a sleeping pill. I was impressed that it worked, and I fell asleep quickly.

 Though I don't know that the nightmares I had, were very restful. It was horrifying, and made me wake up and just grab my little boy and squeeze him tight. I'm lucky that he's healthy, and that I'm healthy, and that everything is okay. Though if that's what a sleeping pill causes, which I'm not sure.. Maybe I have an overactive imagination, then I don't think I will be taking another one. I would prefer no sleep, to the nightmare that plagued me the entire night. 

Today's post is shorter, since I have some cleaning to do. Hopefully I have another one tonight telling how it went. That would make up for it I think haha. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Yesterday was a horrible day. Bad tempers and headaches all around I think. I'm happy for the new day, though seriously the nightmares couldn't have been worse. I find myself dreaming about the sick animals I wish I could help. It didn't help that right before I went to bed, there was a new story about a 5 month old pit bull puppy being shot by a Birmingham Police Officer. Alabama isn't far from me, maybe a few hours. The thought of it being closer to home, than say California.. It hit home. Authorities shot this puppy, because he had escaped from it's fence, and with the first shot, the puppy ran home. As it got home and back into it's gate, the officer's shot the dog 4 more times.. Witnesses even heard the cops joking and celebrating about who's shot was louder. This sickened me. Like, deep down to my bones. I was unaware that cops were so trigger happy with shooting these animals, when a taser or pepperspray would be a better alternative. Saying a puppy was charging at you,  but the gunshots being in the back of the puppy.. There is no way. But the Police Department will probably try to cover it up. Take the side of their officers and let that be that.

There have been many, many stories about this lately. All it takes is to look up "Cop shoots dog" and you see an unending response in return. People don't know about this very often, because the Police Department's cover up the story. One PD was accused of trying to pay someone off when they caught the cop's misdoings on camera. Thankfully the woman said no, and took her video to the media. The officer still was not fired, even for the proof that he had shot the dog for target practice, and it had nothing to do with him feeling threatened.

Someone asked a good question, and it's "what laws are there for animals against police officers?" Well the truth of it is, if they "feel threatened" they can shoot the animal. It doesn't matter if they WEREN'T aggressive, it just takes that momentary feeling. So then I was asked, "Well is it legal to say that if an officer shoots my dog, my life feels threatened because it was my family member? Am I allowed to shoot the officer?" That's something only a lawyer could answer, but it was a very good point. Companion animals these days, are largely part of the family. Once they are hurt, it is like hurting a toddler. If my dog was shot, I would feel threatened.

The hatred for pit bulls, drives most of the shootings. Officers are ten times more likely to shoot a pit bull, rather than try to figure out another way. Merely for being a pit bull. Such as this puppy. Each shot in the pit bull puppy was from a further away trajectory. Proof, that the puppy had been retreating for it's life. It pains me to think about these stories, and my fear of my pooch meeting a fate like that terrifies me. I'm just glad I'm aware of the steps in keeping my animals safe. At least as safe as I possibly can.

I'm linking an article on how to keep YOUR pet safe, and I really recommend reading it.
A Police Officer Shares Insight on How to Keep your Dogs Safe

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wedding Plans

 Well this is a touch different than animal stories, but someone recently asked me to tell my plans. So here goes! It's a mostly smaller affair, though I have some amazing friends who are coming from all over the US to come and see me on my big day. They don't care that it's not this grand affair, they just want to be there for me. That's truly what a friend is, I think. Anyway.. We started putting things into stone for real this week. We had  been slacking a bit in terms of what we were going to be doing, and that could be my undoing as the time slowly draws near.  The big day is the 7th of July, a day before the dating anniversary of my fiance' and I.  I figured that would be perfect, since I wasn't too sure if I wanted a Sunday wedding.

So Saturday, I'm probably going to be taking Engagement pictures with Tom. I'm really excited, because I've been wanting to do this for months! Haha. I don't know why I like getting pictures done, I just do. Also on Saturday, we will be going to bridal shops and searching for dress styles I like. Though I am almost positive I am sure what dress I want, I want to see if the store has one similar I can try on. I'd hate to get it and hate the way it looks on me. That would be awful! So I'm trying to do the smart thing. I'm preparing myself to be a Bridezilla to these Bridal shops if I have to. I have a budget, and no, I won't cut anything down in order for you to sell me a more expensive dress. I've been told horror stories about pushy bridal shops. So we will see. I'm a force to be reckoned with when I'm angry, so I sure hope they are prepared haha.

I've contacted a wedding photographer, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. Hopefully soon she will. Like I said, I adore pictures haha.

Well.. I'm not really sure what else to talk about yet, but Monday I'll give an update. Since, Monday my friend and I will be going out and picking the perfect place for the wedding!

Truth be told, I'm totally excited for the honeymoon. :P

Monday, April 30, 2012


 Every day I am reminded why it is I do what I do. Why I feel, the way I feel. I see two kinds of people. The kind who help those that cannot speak, and those that do not care. It's hard to imagine not caring about something I care so deeply about. But I cannot make someone see their errors alone. They have to be willing to accept that which they cannot understand. Just because you don't understand something, or don't like something, doesn't mean you should condemn them all. I've ran into people that hated animals, thinking they all needed to be euthanized because they were just dirty. When someone says that to me, it's like a smack in the face. But it reminds me of exactly why I have this blog, and why I share what I do on my facebook page. Oh yes, this blog isn't the only thing I promote awareness on. I've lost friends because they didn't like what I posted. People angry that I would defend my beliefs. I don't understand anyone being upset that someone has a cause to fight about. Is it because I picked something that they didn't deem worthy? Well that hardly sounds very intelligent, if you ask me.

I decided something today. I even told my fiance' of my future goals. Right now I can do little. Having two dogs of my own, along with my son.. I just don't have the room to do anything about it now. But once my two furry babies pass (as they will live with me their entire lives of course), I plan on fostering. I don't have money to do full out rescues, nor the space. I also couldn't exactly take any animal in, as I have to think of my son's safety.
So I can only do what I have in my power to do.

Dogs that are out of time, and have to find a place to stay until the community (and myself) can get the word out and get them adopted. I am proud to know that I am capable of something to finally help the way I want to. Even if it's a few years away. It's a start, and I heard something today that rang true to me.

"I used to think that someone should do something about this.. And then I realized I am that someone."

What can you do to make your world a better place?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spay and Neuter your Pet!

 I had a discussion with a friend today, and it had me realize that there are so many people out there that don't understand the severity of the situation. I think anyone who wants to breed their dogs or cats irresponsibly, should have to do research in the surrounding area of all the shelters. I think they should see the faces of the kittens and puppies without homes. I hear the excuse of "Well my puppies will be cute! They will find homes." I've heard this on numerous different occasions. But any puppy is cute. Any Kitten is cute. Still there are countless faces begging for help behind these shelter gates. By breeding your animal, you contribute to the overpopulating of animals which you claim to love. Irresponsible breeding irritates me beyond no end. I've worked with animals many years and I have seen many situations. I think if people had to have been in my shoes, they might think more about the topic of "fixing" their pet. 

Statistics show, that every day 10k people are born to the world. Every day 70k puppies and kittens are born. Are you seeing the issue here? There is simply no where near enough homes for all the animals already existing, and people are bring more into the world. So your puppy or kitten can be cute as a button, and that does not make it's chances any better. What happens when that puppy you have given grows up? It turns into a dog that is less cute,  bigger (in most cases), and with more responsibilities. Any behavioral issues of the animal, will be as a result of poor breeding and poor genetics. But the animal doesn't even truly have to have any "issues". Some people just want another puppy, and then that dog that was SO CUTE as a puppy to you.. Is now in a shelter, hoping someone will save them. While more people are breeding more animals, slimming down the chances. You have no control where the puppy ends up later in life. You have control over immediate homes, but when this puppy grows up and isn't as cute, then what? 

One unspayed cat and an unaltered male, along with all their offspring at just 2 litters a year (when most have 3-4 a year) with just 3 surviving kittens a litter in six years can total 66, 100 cats. ONE pair that had been allowed to breed, could open the door to that many kittens down the line. 

There are a lot of reasons to spay or neuter your pet, that doesn't deal with the outcome of puppies or kittens.
Did you know, that unaltered dogs are responsible for 95% of maulings?  Of that, approximately 60% of those attacks are children.
They also are more prone to wander. An unaltered male will roam in search of a female if he can smell them. No fence will hold a dog that wants to pass on it's genes back..  And an unspayed female will roam the same way. Seeking out the male if they smell one close by.. (And it's amazing how one unspayed female can attract so much attention from neighborhood dogs!)

The worst combination is two unspayed females. Get them both spayed to increase the chance they may get along. They will not identify themselves as being siblings, family, or anything. It won't make any difference to them what they are to each other.

Spayed and Neutered animals are far less likely to get things such as uterine or testicular cancer, among other things.

There are plenty of resource sites, and places that offer low cost-spay or neutering. As an animal activist, and someone who truly loves the animals in the world.. I beg of you to take a look and see what I mean. Do some of your own research if you like. But save your dogs and cats, by doing the one selfless thing you could do for them. Being a responsible pet owner.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Problem with "Free to good home"

 Have you ever gone through the newspaper, or a Craigslist add, and found the listing of puppies or kittens labeled "Free to Good Home"? You might not think anything of it, since we live in a day an age where this is seen all the time. Well what if that beloved Pup that you just can't keep anymore, was placed into the hands of a monster?

All to often, people labeling animals as "Free to Good Home," are very nearly placing targets on their animals that are so dear to them. There are people that prey on the above statement.
For Example, On April 6th, there was a story pertaining to Jeffrey Nally.  Nally had been charged with 29 counts of animal cruelty because of the number of dead animals found on his property.  He had taken all of these poor animals, mostly puppies and kittens, from the "free to good home" listings on Craigslist.  This man used every kind of tool imaginable to mutilate, torture, and kill the animals that he had been given.

Oh that's just one time, right? That couldn't possibly be something done all the time...right? Wrong. 
Patricia Hervey, a Texas woman, is alleged to have obtained animals from these ads and then torturing and killing them.  A pond,located on the property, is believed to be where these victim's bodies ended up.

Yes those cases aren't all over the news, but that is mainly because these people take a long time in being caught. No one suspects them, as they always like to make you think you are giving the animal to a good home. Going so far as to send you fake pictures, and fake family photos, to make you believe the charade.
In the case of dog fighting, it get's even more heinous. You have no idea who your pet is going to, when someone hires a family to inquire about the animals. These people will sometimes even bring children, and look particularly clean and well groomed. They want you to think, that the animal is going to be their beloved family pet. But once Fido is handed over to them, they drive off to hand it over to the people who actually wanted the animal.
Specifically pits in this case, the dogs would go from there to be tested out as a fighter. If they did not pass, usually because the dogs are not from an aggressive line, they are used as bait dogs. Bait dogs have a horrific life, as their teeth are filed down and sometimes even pulled from their skulls, to keep them from being able to defend themselves. They are the meat, and the fighter is supposed to destroy them. If the dog isn't killed, they are brutally tortured until they die. Be it by electrocution, hanging, drowning, etc.

That's not even the worst part.. Dogs and Cats are being used as Shark Bait.. They are cut so that they bleed, thrown into a wire cage, and hoisted into the water, to become bait for the shark. Sometimes they are placed right on the shark hook, impaling the animal's leg.

People called "Bunchers" gather as many animals as they can from these ads (all the while making you think you are giving your animal a nice, new home) and then sell all of what they get to Class B Dealers. Not sure what that is? Think horrific animal testing and labratory experiments.

Sometimes the "lucky" purebeds are kept alive, and sold to puppy mills. This is where your Pet Shop Pup is from.

I suggest doing a home check, or just not advertising free to good home at all. Someone who wants your dog, and to give the dog a loving home, will not be against paying a small fee to take the animal off your hands.

Animals rely on us. They trust  us. We are who are supposed to keep them safe, and we are all they know. So it's all up to you where your animal ends up. Don't take the easy road.. Be vigilant about finding a GOOD home, not just ANY home. Because more often than not, that's when the animal is forced to suffer.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let's Talk BSL

 Some of you probably know what BSL means. Though those of you who don't, it is Breed Specific Legislation. All around the world, and even in a lot of states around the US, people are trying to extinguish the "Bully Breeds" from existence. This doesn't stop with just the "Bullies" but includes all dogs that even LOOK like the breed. Your dog could be taken, and euthanized from your home, simply because you had a dog that someone else didn't like. I know a lot of people, who think that all Pit Bulls should be put down, simply for being pit bulls. That type of ignorance, is why I started acting for the animals, and it started where I am today. People ask me for links, demanding proof that other breeds of dogs have attacked someone. I shouldn't have to have proof, when any dog can bite. Just because a dog has a stronger jaw, does not mean that it should be condemned as a monster.

Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, American Bulldogs, and more, are all viewed as monsters. They are viewed as less than a dog, and deserving to be destroyed all because of the blood that runs through their veins. Canada, doesn't even view the Pit Bull as a breed, saying that it's a dangerous mix of dog that needs exterminated. I wonder how many of these people claiming these dogs are evil, have ever actually owned one. It's easy to condemn something you don't understand, and hard to accept something that you can't understand. When the media tells you these dogs are vicious, and that they have no heart, people want to follow because they feel that they wouldn't be lead astray. Because the media has never lied, or purposefully hidden certain aspects, to make you think exactly what they want you to think, right?

I understand that the breed, is definitely a breed you need to know how to handle. Putting a dog in the hands of a bad owner, is like a ticking time bomb. We would do better with having to take classes on how to train dogs, before owning them..Over killing an entire breed. Think on it... If people had to sign up for a class in order to get a dog, how many dog bites do you think you would hear about? Well trained dogs, sometimes bite, I understand and I'm not saying it's the perfect solution. But is putting down a millions of innocent souls because no one cares to find a better solution, any more right?

The reason these dogs are preyed upon, is their loyalty and their readiness to defend their family. A fighting dog doesn't only fight because of survival. .Though that instinct is strong. A fighting dog is still trying to get the love, of the person who is exploiting them. Pit bulls are exploited every day. Used to show they are vicious by ignorant people who get them to put them on thick chains and bulk them up. Use them against others in an attempt to be scary.. Those people are who we should be looking at. Not the dogs that were put in their "care."

Fighting Pit Bulls, are starved, and  beaten. Their lives are so full of torture, that all they know is pain and hunger. Their lives are so full of evil from their humans, and yet the dogs are the ones  blamed. If you lived in a world full of pain, and torment, wouldn't you see things from their side?

A Pit Bull is one of those most loving breeds of dogs I've ever met. Once you've befriended one, you have a friend for life. They would give their lives for those they love, and many do. The stories that hit the news, are usually ones of "dog attacks person" without  much story other than it being a Pit Bull. You don't always see the stories of heroes. Like the Pit that saved his family from a home intruder, only to be shot in the head. The dog survived, due to sheer luck. He defended his family, from what could have been certain death. They had a newborn as well, and they all lived to tell their story because of their faithful companion. A dog so many think needs to be completely eliminated.. A dog that so many misunderstand.

Let's fight, to get this to stop. BSL is a hate crime. If it isn't right for people, it isn't right for the dogs either.

                                                  (Picture Courtesy of Stock.Xchng)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This Stuff is Real

 Sometimes I wonder, how low the human race can actually go. I'm sure that there is no end to our stupidity, when I hear stories like what I heard yesterday. 

 Rescue Ink is urgently trying to find who is responsible for the "Freeze Branding" of a dog they found. Now, why they did it, they say it's a game. That the number on the side of the dog (or cat) is the amount of points you get if you manage to shoot the animal. If that isn't bad enough, freeze branding is an incredibly inhumane thing in itself. What freeze branding is, is liquid nitrogen sort of similar to that that removes warts off humans. Now, supposedly this process is a very very painful one. They remove the fur where they want the "lettering" and they  then use the liquid nitrogen to "freeze brand" the animal. Now this permanently damages the skin, and any fur growing back would lose pigmentation, and therefore make it easy to spot this dog, while permanently branding it.

There is a lot of controversy on this, as a few people think that this is done by a hunter, so that everyone knows the dog is his. However, that is only speculation, and this has been done in other places. Such games, are sick and seriously need to be ended. Even the act of Freeze Branding is inhumane enough to end the practice. I don't know, I guess horses go through it with the fire branding, or sometimes animals are tattooed. But the act of Freeze Branding seems a bit more.. sinister than those do. Maybe it's because I haven't heard of it before, until now. Reading up on it, it seems that hunters do sometimes use this as a way of branding their dogs. However then I read up on the cases where the animals were indeed gunned down. I guess it's up to you to make your own opinions on it. 

However Rescue Ink in Tennessee has a $2000 reward for the people who did this to this dog. They want answers, and honestly, everyone should want answers. This dog was picked up as a stray, with no collar. The odds of a hunter, in my opinion, taking the time to mark it as his, and then just letting it become a stray.. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Hopefully though, they find the responsible party, and get that poor dog a great new home. 

Anyone with any information can call Rescue Ink on the Emergency # 1-855-772-8465

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Change of Pace

As I said before, every now and then I will add some things about my home life, and my son to the blog. It helps balance the sad, with the happy. I have been on the lookout for more happy animal stories, but I keep getting pulled into the sad ones. I figured I needed one happy post before I do another about another story I have found.

So! Let's have a good day today. I found the wedding dress I am going to be getting yesterday. So thankful for my Fiance's mom for helping me out! Even if the wedding is small, I am going to be beautiful. I'm really excited for a day that is dedicated to ME, and only me. lol. Yeah that sounds bad, but it's true. Being a momma is hard work, and sometimes we just need days to say "Hey! Yeah you! Look at me!"

I'm growing more and more excited the more I think about it. I wish I could have more of my own family there, but living so far away from everyone.. I knew it wasn't likely to happen. It would be more complete though, if I could have managed to get everyone here. 

Things have been hectic with me lately. I haven't really been in a blogging mood, because mostly I've been in a bad mood. Stress finally caught up with me! But I am determined to post once a day, even if it's something as trivial as what I'm posting today.

Though my son did something new today! He gave me a hug, and that is something he hadn't yet mastered. It was such a cool feeling, and I tell you what..Watching your kid grow and do new things, is an experience that nothing else can rival! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Dog Named Justice

I was reading through stories today, seeing if anything caught my eye. I ran across the update for a dog that I had been following for quite a bit. Justice the Pit Bull puppy (They say Lab, I disagree.) was set on fire by a group of teenage boys who apparently had nothing better to do. Doused in lighter fluid, and lit by a cigarette, this pup was burned on over 60 % of his young body. When I first read this story, I was heartbroken. My mind was reeling, trying to figure out how someone would think this is okay.. or that someone would ever WANT to do this. 

People rallied together, trying hard to keep the little soul alive, and to give him the life he deserved. This puppy died as a result of his injuries, only a few hours after being rescued. Justice the pup died, and I hope it wasn't in vain.

As I am reading this update, I find that I am incredibly hopeful for the outcome! It seems that a warrant has been issued for the man who lit the cigarette and threw it at the puppy. Man is actually not even the word for him, this 18-year old should be ashamed of himself. Darius Ewing, police say, was the one who did the final act of lighting the dog on fire.

While I am happy, that someone may come to justice over this story.. I am saddened by the idea that some people might still get away with this. Here's to hoping Ewing does the right thing. I'm hoping he breaks like a twig and gives up all the people who helped him. But seriously, that usually happens in movies.

The video I am linking, is one found on Youtube. This was when they thought he was going to survive. Sadly, the outcome would not be as good as they hoped.

One step at a time,  Justice! You won't have died in vain.

Tomorrow, I plan on doing a story that can bring a smile to your face.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Justice for Cisco

It's been often lately, that I've heard stories like this. Though usually the dog that is shot, is of a pitbull variety. I'll admit, I was surprised it wasn't this time. But the breed of dog, does not matter in times like this. It could have happened to anyone. As a result of a wrong address given to police over a domestic disturbance, this 7-year old Blue Heeler was killed. Now, I place quite a bit of blame on the caller, but the actions of the officer, were not the callers fault. An Arizona PD officer was dispatched to the home, where Michael Paxton was playing frisbee with his dog in the backyard. 

The officer pulled his weapon, before he saw anyone. What's worse, is his lie to his Captain. We hear what happened, and I don't believe that this man had much time at all to have all of what he said went down, happen. How was this man supposed to control his animal, in a split second? What animal, doesn't rush to his Master's aid whenever something is wrong? I know that my dog would run to my side, to be there if I need him, which is what this dog was doing. It scares me to think that it's possible for this to happen to my babies. 

The Department claims that there was no wrongdoing, and that there will not be an investigation. I can't understand why they say they did nothing wrong. At the very least, this man deserved an apology, and the one he got was a very cookie cutter apology AFTER the news broadcasts..

Justice for Cisco Facebook Link

  A new Facebook page has been started, called "Justice for Cisco". I linked it above, in case anyone is interested in showing their support for this fallen companion. 

My question is, When is enough enough? How many animals are going to be killed, before the Police Departments figure out a boundary? Now, I don't go against cops, I feel they do their job and I'm thankful for them. But there are boundaries being crossed here, when if they had a plan for what to do in these situations, that could have been prevented. No apology was offered from the Department, until the Live News report, that Michael Paxton shared his story. I feel a great wrong was done here, really I do. What do you guys think?

Gotta Start Somewhere!

 Hey guys! This is my first attempt at something like a blog. I don't know how interesting I will be, but I will certainly try! I have dealt with a lot of adversity with my Animal Activist ways. People claiming they don't want to hear about the stories, or that it's too depressing! I think people fail to realize how important it is that the world knows what's going on out there. I don't understand people wanting to keep themselves in the dark, but if that's their choice so be it. It won't be mine. I don't like to be in the dark, when the creatures without voices suffer.. It's just not who I am.

What I will be posting here, are articles that pertain to animals. I may step outside that boundary with updates about my child, or my life. But for the most part, expect to see animal stuff here. From the sad stories that I wish no one ever had to read, to the happy stories that show the good in humanity. It's all a little of everything!

Now I hope you enjoy this new journey with me, as I try to help bring awareness to the situations that are going on around us.