Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Such a Slacker!

 Okay so the title isn't really true. I'm not slacking on the blog, so much as I am completely slammed between planning a wedding, and planning a honeymoon. I wasn't aware of all the work went into the planning process. Just when I think I've gotten one part down, I find I forgot another. I will really be happy when I can just enjoy this wedding, rather than stressing over it! I'm finding though, that planning can be a lot of fun, if you have the funds for it! haha. We are doing a simple wedding, as being a couple with a child, expenses are something we have to be careful with. 

In my absence from the blog though, I spent time messaging some fellow facebook groups on the subjects of animals being shot by police departments. Some lived, and some, unfortunately, did not. I will share their stories all the same. The families deserve the attention, and people need to know that they need to be incredibly careful with their animals. You could be playing with your dog in your backyard, and have an officer show up in your yard without your being aware. Now, some would understand, letting you place you animal inside. Others however, are easily triggered into shooting the animals they feel are threatening them.. Even though the animal itself might feel threatened by a stranger being in their yard. Dogs bark. It happens! A barking dog does not indicate a dangerous dog. There is more to it than that. 

But anyway, not to ramble in this post. That will come in my next few. Tomorrow I will be sharing the story of Moco. A beloved boxer shot by a police officer.

I hope that you guys will read it, and share it. It is really important to know what to do if an officer approaches your home. Thank you! See you guys tomorrow! ;)

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