Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moco's Last Wish

                                                                 Moco's Last Wish

 This story was one of the ones that gave me permission to write about their ordeal. I hope I do it justice, and I hope that it helps spread the word. Things like this can only stop by YOU doing something about it. YOU choosing to demand answers, or YOU choosing to let it go. A Rush song quotes "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." And I agree with that 100%. It's up to us to change our generation. 

This was another case of wrong place wrong time. (Which it's sad how common that is lately!) Moco was a Boxer dog, and he was shot and killed by an Ojai Police Officer. Reports say, that the Officer was investigating a call about Vehicle Tampering. The family had no involvement in the tampering, nor had they  made the call. They were an innocent party, and they were doing nothing but playing with their dog. 

The Officer made his way into their yard, where the dog began barking and running forward. Now sure, you see something like that and you think 'how do you know they weren't going to attack?' Well, this dog had no prior history with aggression, or disobedience. He was a loving, gentle neighborhood dog who's only fault was being excited to see a new person. The officer wasted no time, shooting and killing the boxer while his family watched in horror.

I linked to their facebook page, where they are seeking justice for their beloved dog. They hope to keep anyone else from having to go through this. 

It's happening more and more often, and some people do nothing about it. Until it happens to them. Then it's time to bring the smack down, and I just don't agree with that. You can not like dogs, but the fact is they are someone's family member. They are a beating heart, longing to do nothing but love you forever. I encourage you to take a look at the facebook page, and be informed on what to do, if an officer approaches your family. Including your dog.

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